Dr Luana O’Connor MSc (Implants) BSc
Dr O’Connor was only ever interested in being a dentist as she cares deeply about people and one of her priorities in life is to care for people. With more than 20 years of dental experience Dr O’Connor is still one of the most caring and friendly dentists who truly empathises with her patients.
Over her career Dr O’Connor has continued to improve and increase her dental qualifications achieving an internationally recognised MSc in Dental Implants from the University of Bucharest, Romania. Dr O’Connor did this 3 year post graduate programme to complement her main focus for the last 15 years of being a Dental Implant Dentist.
Constant ongoing training by Dr O’Connor has seen her complete many Dental Implant programmes to increase her skills and professionalism for patients in the field of Dental Implant Dentistry. This particular field of dental care is life changing for patients as they can have their smiles created even when they have no teeth.
Dr O’Connor is the Principal Dentist of HappyDental Ireland

Dr Jolanta Iscenko BSc



Dr Samantha Michael BSc

Noemi Dos Santos


Dr Aveline Chow



Katie Blackford