Tax relief and you

A lot of dental work is covered by the Med Form 2 which enables patients who pay taxes in Ireland to claim back 20% of the cost of dental work.

Affordable dentistry

We are constantly surprised by how many patients don’t realise what is actually covered by the Med Form 2 which enables us here at HappyDental to help themselves to more affordable dentistry on top of the affordable prices we always offer our patients.

What is covered by the med form 2?


When they are manufactured at a dental laboratory and then placed on a prepared tooth.


These are porcelain teeth which are placed over teeth which need fixing.

Post and core

This is done when preparing a tooth to have a crown placed on top of it.


These are manufactured in a dental laboratory and can be used instead of a large filling.

Root canal treatment

This treatment is done by a dentist to save a tooth that has issues with the root of the tooth which is usually followed by a crown

Periodontal Treatment

This treatment is performed by a dentist when a patient has issues of gum disease and other oral ailments.

Orthodontic treatment

For a patient who has traditional metal braces or clear braces

Surgical extraction

This is for wisdom teeth only


When a patient has a ‘bridge of manufactured teeth’ between their natural teeth.

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